St John Ophthalmic Case Series (SOCS) No 2: 1100 GMT, Saturday May 22nd, 2021

Our second ‘SOCS’ is hosted by SOA-Canada, under the leadership of Dr Michelle Khan, Chair, and Dr Michael Dan, SOA Vice-Patron.

Our Guest of Honour is Dr Ike Ahmed, MD

We are joined by St John colleagues from Gaza and Jerusalem

Saturday May 22, 2021

Regional Times:
0700, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT – Toronto)
1200 Midday, British Summer Time (BST)
1300, Central European Summer time (CEST)
1630, India Standard time (IST)
1900, Singapore
2100, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST – Sydney, Melbourne)

Dr. Ahmed is world renowned for his skills and ground-breaking work in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of highly complex eye diseases including glaucoma and surgical complications.  He is recognized as being one of the most experienced complex eye surgeons in the world, and has trained numerous surgeons in innovative surgical techniques.

Dr. Ahmed has a keen interest in the development of advanced microsurgical devices and techniques in glaucoma surgery and complicated cataract extraction, and is actively involved in research and medical education at a national and international level.  He has designed innovative glaucoma diamond scalpels for surgery, microsurgical instrumentation and devices, implants and techniques for the management of the dislocated cataract, iris reconstruction, and glaucoma implant devices.  He has done pioneering work in innovative glaucoma surgery, and coined the term “Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)” as a new genre of surgical approaches and devices.  He also performed the first laser cataract surgery in Canada.


We welcome Dr Ahmed to St John’s On-line Case Series in Ophthalmology, and thank SOA-Canada for hosting the event.

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 813 2589 5977
Passcode: 370811