iYouth 2023 Report

The Young Professionals Organisation for St John Eye Hospital Group

 iYouth’s origins date from 2019 when 4 young professionals visited Jerusalem. In 2020, at a Summit in the Eye Hospital, iYouth was inaugurated, and now exists to support young people interested in the work of St John Eye Hospital Group. iYouth is formed of members between 18 and 35 years of age, and includes medical students, doctors, non-medics and academics, with members from England, Spain, the Netherlands, and the USA.

In 2023 iYouth celebrated its third anniversary, holding its AGM at St John’s Gate in Clerkenwell, London. Special guests included iYouth’s Patron, Prof. O’Higgins Norman (UNESCO academic Chair, Dublin), Chair of SJEHG, Prior of England, and Order Hospitaller. 

iYouth’s most recent activities in 2023 include iWalk, a series of sponsored walks across the world to raise funds for the Eye Hospital’s vital sight-saving work. Part of these funds will go towards establishing ocularist (artificial eye) services in the Gazan hospital. Many iWalks have taken place thus far, particularly in England, with £8000 raised as of September 2023.. 

iYouth will have another dedicated meeting at the Eye Hospital’s special Historical Summit in November 2023. A third of its members are coming to Jerusalem for this event, many to see the hospital for the first time.

End of Year Report